Acne Free Blog

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Does Your Diet Cause Acne?

We cannot say often enough that diet has no connection with acne. You may well hear people saying they have changed what they eat and their acne has got better.

Medical literature is full of anecdotes like that, and there are bound to be people who have an individual reaction to certain foods – we are all different.Health food shops, nutritionists and herbalists will promote foods and supplements that are supposed to treat acne but you will generally be wasting your money.

One thing that is worth doing about your diet is to make sure it is well balanced while allowing yourself treats. Having acne is bad enough without making life miserable by avoiding the foods you like! A good acne free diet includes good sources of zinc (wholemeal bread, meat), vitamin A (carrots, liver) and polyunsaturated fats (spreading margarine, cooking oils).

This will ensure that your general health is as good as possible and that your body is well able to repair the damage that acne can cause. This is particularly important if you are on a long course of antibiotics.

Fruit and vegetables contain the anti-oxidant vitamins C and E, and these will help you fight infections.

1 comment:

  1. The main purposes of an acne free diet are; to help your body to get rid of all the toxins and to regulate your hormone imbalances which are one of the main causes of acne.So which foods should you avoid

    Avoid white sugar consumption
    Avoid milk and dairy products consumption
